Membership in «Kazakhstan Bar Association» the National Public Association 2016.
The partner Dinara Berdaliyeva on behalf of ZAN Company is a member of «Kazakhstan Bar Association» the National Public Association, in 2016 as in previous years.
Membership in KazBar reflects our similar missions and intentions –
- to improve the quality of legal services, contribute to the development of a strong professional legal community and enhance the prestige of legal profession in Kazakhstan.
KazBar was officially recognised by the International Bar Association.
The attorney of ZAN Company Maxim Baghenov has been rewarded as «The best lawyer of the year»
The attorney of ZAN Company Maxim Baghenov has been rewarded as
«The best lawyer of the year» by International Kazakhstani Arbitration and «Best profi» legal search system for his publication:
Essay «Civil law and its development in Kazakhstan».
ZAN Company is recommended by Emerging Europe Market Brief
ZAN Company is recommended by Emerging Europe Market Brief in June 2014, where provided an overview of these key commercial markets, enabling companies to investigate and identify potential commercial opportunities.
It provides essential information on these target markets and the current sectors for trade, investment and export. The brief, produced in association with the British Chambers of Commerce and the Institute of Export, contains:
Ambassadorial and government ministry forewords from several countries
Focus on the key sectors
Case studies of successful companies operating in the markets
Market profiles of the countries of Emerging Europe
Comment and analysis.
The Second Legal Forum, 13-15 September 2012.
The subjects of the Forum:
“Development of Kazakhstani legislation and KZ law society”, “Custom Union and single market concept among the members”, “The CIS countries legislation development”, “Business and law”, “Oil and gas”, “Environment and sustainability questions in KZ”, “International litigation” and other interesting subjects.
a report of the partner Danara Kassenkhan, “Licenses and permits in Kazakhstan”.
First Legal Forum was held in Almaty, Kazakhstan , September 15-17, 2011.
This Forum was held with leading national law firms supported by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan Chamber of Commerce and the international recruitment agency Hudson Legal.
“We are considering the Forum as an interaction platform for lawyers and other related specialists to build up business networks, share opinions and experience, and create new opportunities among the Forums’ members. The questions we are highlighting are interesting and by urgent request, including ways to promote legal services in Kazakhstan and general questions of civil law overall…”, Danara Kassenkhan, the partner of ZAN Company.
The attorney of ZAN Company Maxim Baghenov has been rewarded as «The best lawyer of the year»
The attorney of ZAN Company Maxim Baghenov has been rewarded as
«The best lawyer of the year» by International Kazakhstani Arbitration and «Best profi» legal search system for his publication:
Essay «Civil law and its development in Kazakhstan».
ZAN Company is recommended by Emerging Europe Market Brief
ZAN Company is recommended by Emerging Europe Market Brief in June 2014, where provided an overview of these key commercial markets, enabling companies to investigate and identify potential commercial opportunities.
It provides essential information on these target markets and the current sectors for trade, investment and export. The brief, produced in association with the British Chambers of Commerce and the Institute of Export, contains:
Ambassadorial and government ministry forewords from several countries
Focus on the key sectors
Case studies of successful companies operating in the markets
Market profiles of the countries of Emerging Europe
Comment and analysis.
The Second Legal Forum, 13-15 September 2012.
The subjects of the Forum:
“Development of Kazakhstani legislation and KZ law society”, “Custom Union and single market concept among the members”, “The CIS countries legislation development”, “Business and law”, “Oil and gas”, “Environment and sustainability questions in KZ”, “International litigation” and other interesting subjects.
a report of the partner Danara Kassenkhan, “Licenses and permits in Kazakhstan”.
First Legal Forum was held in Almaty, Kazakhstan , September 15-17, 2011.
This Forum was held with leading national law firms supported by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan Chamber of Commerce and the international recruitment agency Hudson Legal.
“We are considering the Forum as an interaction platform for lawyers and other related specialists to build up business networks, share opinions and experience, and create new opportunities among the Forums’ members. The questions we are highlighting are interesting and by urgent request, including ways to promote legal services in Kazakhstan and general questions of civil law overall…”, Danara Kassenkhan, the partner of ZAN Company.
«Who’s Who. Court-judicial system of Kazakhstan» Guidelines.
ZAN Company is listed by the elite edition of «Who’s Who. Court-judicial system of Kazakhstan» Guidelines 2010.
Zan Company has been acknowledged as a law firm specialised in foreign and local entities' licensing on the territory of Kazakhstan, including licensing in the areas of manufacture, oil & gas, chemistry, medicine and pharmacy, architecture and building constructing and other industries.
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