
Dispute Resolution

Dispute Resolution Practice.

         Our lawyers have successful experience of dispute resolution practice, ready to hold legal audit with respect to go in further court proceedings, extrajudicial settlement, claim-related work, legal representation,enforcement proceeding in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.     

          Also a developed partner system and knowing foreign languages by lawyers of “ZAN Company” legal firm enable to successfully carry out extrajudicial settlement and court settlement of disputes arising under agreements with foreign counterparties.   

Legal representation in the following areas:

  • debt recovery; debt collection;
  • contract desputes; 
  • insolvency proceeding and further liquidation of juridical persons  and sole proprietors in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • establishing facts of legal importance;  
  • pre-court representation,  claim-related work in respect of residents and non-residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • labor related disputes;
  • disputes related to recovery of insured amounts including abroad;
  • family law.


         Indebtedness collection under construction project contract between legal entities, court representation, indebtedness collection under lease agreements, court representation abroad by export-import operations, failure to execute liabilities to the fullest extent by one of the parties, court representation with respect to compensation of damage as a result of a car accident, collective labor agreement, recovery of insured amount beyond the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

        Representation and defense at the court with regard to export and import of the goods of the Companies- suppliers  at beneficial rates.   Representation and defense at the court with regard wrongful acts  of officials in case of  the real estate registration. Labor disputes in extrajudicial  and judicial order.

Extensive experience  on closing the business  and development of solutions  for the companies closed.  Tax disputes, lawfulness  of administrative tax collections.

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