Invest in KZ
Invest in Kazakhstan.
Recently, Kazakhstan has become a competitive country to invest in, relative to investment preferences, and is an attractive economy, which is confirmed by the world rankings.
For instance, “Doing business 2016” of the World bank group has recognized the Kazakhstani economy and ranked it at 18th place in countries with the least burden of taxation. Kazakhstan has been ranked at an honourable 41st place in terms of doing business overall, leaving behind neighbouring countries Russia in 51st and Ukraine in 83rd position.
In 2015-2016, the Kazakhstani economy was 42nd among the Top 50 most competitive economies in the World, outperforming all other CIS countries according to the Global Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum. As competitive advantages, the positive effects of tax legislation, the defense of investors’ rights and the transparency of policymaking were pointed out.
Kazakhstani tax legislation is particular in its significant benefits in terms of low tax rates: VAT of 12% compare to Russia's VAT of 18% or China's at 17%; Corporate Income Tax of 20% whereas China's is 25% and Russia's is 20%; tax rates on land and property of 1,5%.
At this time, the priority sectors of the economy in KZ are :
• Metallurgy
• Chemical Industry
• Petrochemical industry
• Machinery
• Production of construction materials
• Food industry.
Legislation in Kazakhstan provides significant investment advantages such as:
• The exemption of VAT on import procedures for equipment and raw materials for an initial 5 years;
• Government nature grants as free plots of land;
• The 100% reduction of Corporate Income tax for strategic investment projects;
• 0% tax rates on land and property taxes for priority sector projects;
• Investment subsidies covering 30% of expenses after launching a priority sector project;
15 days duration visa free entry for the majority of European and many other countries.
For the purposes of entreprenuership and investment development other significant benefits are provided by the Special Economic Zones (SEZ). Companies operating from the territories of SEZ have the following privileges:
• exemption from Corporate Income Tax, land and property taxes;
• possibility for exemption from VAT, if production takes place within the territory of the SEZ;
• free usage of land plots within 10 years of registration as a SEZ resident;
• no restriction on applying for foreigner work permits within the period of a projects launching and 1 year after;
• developed infrastructure of the SEZ.
The data is provided by Minisrty of Investment and Development, National Export & Investment Agency «Kaznex Invest».