


International trade as one of the drivers of the state economy and the building of mutually beneficial and friendly relations with other countries occupies a special position for the country and for specific business entities. Harmonious knowledge of the peculiarities of local legislation and the legislation of the partner country for the lawyer and his client give an invaluable advantage in solving legal problems and their prevention. The lawyer's deep knowledge of law, customs procedures, licensing and currency regulations in Kazakhstan and the partner country is one of the main criteria in choosing a legal adviser for export-import transactions.

Lawyers of ZAN Company, as a joint team of law specialists from different sectors and legal professionals from different countries, including lawyers from Kazakhstan, the USA, Spain, Italy, the UAE and other countries, offer the best solutions in the harmony of knowledge of both local Kazakhstani and specific foreign legislation. Knowledge of the languages ​​and customs of the business turnover of a country, in addition to knowledge of the basic legal framework, is an additional advantage of our lawyers.


Key staff-member:

Andrea Accardo, partner of ZAN Company in Spain. Licensed attorney in Spain and Italy.

He specializes in international civil and investment law, judicial representation and consulting, has experience in major international companies in the US, Italy and Spain. Graduated from Luiss Guido Carli University Rome, Italy, Master of Laws LL.M. Universidad Francisco de Vitorio Madrid, Spain. Speaks English. Spanish, Catalan, Italian.



-Avenida Diagonal 449, 4

Barcelona- Spain



Berdaliyeva Dinara, +7 701 557 44 27


        i.            LLP "Syrdaria Bio-Technology", a collector of wild plants for export.

      ii.            LLP "Fifth ocean-Asia", LLP" Jason and K ", wholesale importers-suppliers of alcoholic products

    iii.            "Chemical Trade Industry",  import of poisons.

    iv.            Legal support of a number of companies in the field of oil and gas, natural resources in terms of export and import issues.





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