Nuclear power
ZAN Company has extensive experience in the field of nuclear energy, in terms of processing procedural and regulatory documents, registration of licenses and permits, labor relations, associations of labor collectives of nuclear power companies.
In particular, close work with the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NNC RK INP) and other enterprises in the sphere of repair, transportation, utilization of nuclear materials, radioactive substances and devices of ionizing radiation sources allowed to gain invaluable work experience and to understand the realities of activities Specialists in the field of nuclear energy.
Key staff-members:
Danara Kasenkhan, Partner of ZAN Company
Has more than 17 years of experience in legal support of business activities of Kazakhstani and foreign companies. Graduated from the Kazakh State Law University in Almaty, later has took a Master of Innovations in Entrepreneurship Global Business School Barcelona, Spain, courses of Master of International Law, WTO Law, Universidad de Barcelona, Spain. She is a partner of ZAN Company since 2002. Fluent in English, Spanish, Italian, Kazakh and Russian.
+7 707 557 44 27
+34 656 304 144
Dinara Berdalieva, +7 701 557 44 27
Registration of licenses and permits in the field of nuclear energy:
(i) The National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the Institute of Nuclear Physics of RK (NNC RK IYF),
(ii) Institute of Nuclear Physics of RK,
(iii) «Medtechnika» JSC, the largest supplier of complex medical equipment of tamographs, X-ray equipment and other medical complexes containing devices, sources of ionizing radiation.
(iv) "X Ray" LLP, specializes on repair and adjustment of IRD devices, and many other companies of Kazakhstan, working in the field of nuclear energy, medicine, technical safety where sources of ionizing radiation are used.