Intellectual property and franchising
Kazakhstan is a relatively "young" country, with a "young" economy, respectively, and legal mechanisms for regulating relations in the country are simpler than in countries with original lawmakers of continental law with a deep history of law and business commercial turnover in general, like Italy, Germany and other European countries . Although, however, issues of protection and registration of intellectual rights have always been in place in Kazakhstan, but recently they are taking a sharper and more important place both in the minds of lawyers and business owners. The available legal mechanisms of intellectual law provide scope and security in cooperation between legal entities, transfer of know-how, technologies and methods of doing business.
Lawyers of ZAN Company following new trends in entrepreneurship are happy to offer their expertise in solving many issues of protection and safety of intellectual work results, correct and verified legal registration of cooperation.
Thus provides the following services:
- the development of a franchise in the legal plane, the mechanisms of relations between franchisor and franchisees;
- registration of copyrights, intellectual rights;
- development of franchise agreements, consortium agreements with elements of intellectual law;
- other options for cooperation between legal entities with the safe use of intellectual property rights;
- protection of intellectual rights, pre-judicial, judicial;
- development and implementation of a set of measures to combat counterfeiting and counterfeiting.
Key staff-member:
Zhuldyz Zhumadilova, Senior Lawyer of ZAN Company
Has deep experience of working in the judicial bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and after judicial representation, giving legal opinions, legal audit of transactions in the field of civil, tax, commercial law, and also has extensive work experience in organizations to protect the rights of entrepreneurs. Author of numerous publications, articles, participant of scientific and practical conferences devoted to judicial protection of business entities.
+7 701 557 44 27
An experience:
LLC "DoDo Franchising", development and examination of franchising dog shows on the territory of Kazakhstan.
Examination of franchising agreements in the territory of Kazakhstan of the Association of franchisors of the Russian Federation.
Development of franchise agreements for Kazakhstani enterprises. Expertise of international franchising agreements for the purpose of action in the Republic of Kazakhstan.