
Oil and Gas sector

The main specialization of our Company’s services is obtainment of licenses and permits in the field of power generation and oil and gas sector. Lawyers of ZAN Company have 15 years of experience of the works performed (licensing) for most types of licensed activities in these industries.

Энергетика и нефтегазовый сектор

Our Goal is to provide professional legal support to the project from the very beginning, which includes

Legal Due Diligence which helps to determine whether the licensee complies with qualification requirements, refine the material, and develop a complete list of licensed activities,

full legal support during inspection by regulating agencies,

and to "the end", which implies obtaining licenses and permits.

As well as post-service – a subsequent delivery of reports on the licensed activities to licensing body.

 “ZAN” Law Company has valuable experience in Licensing of activities in power generation and oil and gas sectors that makes legal support for such projects prompt and professional. Feedback and recommendations of our clients in the same industry will help in selecting a Attorney to carry out this type of projects.

The experts of “ZAN” Law Company actively cooperate with various agencies, such as Natural Monopoly Control Agency of the RK;  Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the RK; Ministry of oil and gas of the RK.


Implementation of projects to obtain licenses and all associated approvals and permits for a number of enterprises in the Mangistau Region; activity type - operation of equipment, booster pump installations, tank farms and linear parts of main gas-oil product pipelines, as well as main equipment and wells in underground gas storage facilities.

Obtainment of licenses and approvals for Companies specializing in diagnostics of pipelines and booster pump stations.

Legal support for projects on obtainment of licenses and appropriate approvals for various types of activities – well blasting operations in oil gas wells; drilling of oil and gas wells, including in the sea and on inland waters; underground and major workovers for servicing Companies in oil and gas sector.

Projects on obtainment of licenses and permits for and exclusive dealer enterprise of gas and diesel engines for the licensed activity such as design, installation and repair of mining, power, flameproof electrical equipment.

Annual implementation of projects on delivery of reports to the authorized licensing agency for Companies in the oil and gas industry.


Releases on the Subject.

Changes in legislation in the field of State regulation of production and turnover of petroleum products – accreditation of wholesale suppliers of petroleum products.

Licensing of activities in the field of industry

Recent changes in legislation on licensing in the field of industry

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